A Word from the Editor
We are six weeks away from our final Recruitment Directors event of the year.  Early bird tickets are now available to join up to sixty of your recruitment colleagues in an afternoon of learning, networking and complimentary drinks!

RIDA are running a survey into Top Leadership Traits in Recruitment; there are just seven questions so please do take a couple of minutes to complete it. 

Alex Martin
Newsletter Editor

How to be a successful leader? Notes from the #rechangout
Greg Savage and James Osborne joined Alan Whitford and the #Rechangout to talk about "How to be a successful leader? Recruitment Reinvented. Leading for Fun and Money.’
Demystifying Video Interviewing
A look at how video interviewing has affected the recruitment market and why it really shouldn't.
How Do You Approach A New Candidate For The First Time About A Job?
Andy Headworth asks what do you open with when approaching a candidate for the first time?  Read his article and leave your own thoughts.
Pay for performance job advertising - Will it ever be implemented?
Since job boards were invited the pay for performance model has been mentioned consistently, particularly from advertisers!  Great articles and read the comments too.
30+ Ultiimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, Articles and Emails
A headline can serve either as an apple pie on the windowsill of your content or as its bouncer. As the chaps from Buffer say; it’s all in the way you phrase things
Lies, lies and more lies: Fact-checking CVs
How (and why) you should be checking the accuracy of the CVs you receive

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