A Note from the Editor
We've got a great range of articles for you this week. "Are you Sabotaging your own Efforts?" looks at how you could be doing loads of hard work but getting some of the basics wrong at the very beginning causing your campaign to fail before it’s really even started. It’s worth seeing if any of it sets off your alarm bells. We also cover in-house recruitment, social media and job boards. Everything you need to know in one handy newsletter!

We also have some fantastic events coming up:

Recruiters Network – Directors Only Event – Thursday 29th September, 2pm to 5.30pm
Recruitment Technology Showcase Conference – Thursday 13th October, 10am to 5pm
UK Recruitment Annual Round-Up – Wednesday 16th November, 10.30am to 5.30pm

All our events are exclusive to those who work within the recruitment sector. If you’ve any questions call Louise on 07917 058523.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Are You Sabatoging Your Recruiting Efforts?
If your job vacancy has gone unfilled for far too long, it could be that your own processes are sabotaging your hord work.
Is ‘Nice Agency Recruiter’ an Oxymoron?
Recruiters seem to have a reputation for being nasty/ not nice/ bad people but is it fair and do the "nice" ones actually fair better?
8 Things to Consider Before Moving into In-House Recruitment
"Some things to consider before hopping blindly over to the other side of the fence". If you are considering making the move to in-house it's well worth reading this article first.
10 ways Social Media can help your recruitment agency fill vacancies
It does feel like we go on about the importance of social media an awful lot here at UK Recruiter but its importance in the changing world of recruitment cannot be overestimated.
Job Board Posting Top Tips
There may be all sorts of way to get your vacancy out there now-a-days but job boards will always be around. This article, the second of a two parter shows you how you can make the most of your job boards.
How to attract better temp workers and keep them coming back
The use of temps is at an all time high. Continually finding new temps who meet requirements can be time consuming so you definitely want to attract the best of the best.
What do Candidates Look for in a Job?

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