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Editors Note

When we move into the New Year the ukrecruiter newsletter is going to have a whole new look and a different editorial approach. We'll still be sharing tips, jobs, stats, news and the other favourites.  However, instead of just one article each week we'll be bringing you a cross section of the best articles recruitment related articles out there. 

Next week we'll hopefully gave you a taster of the format and this week check out our article section to see the type of content you'll have every week during 2013.

Weekly Tips
Weekly Tips - 3 Recruitment Blogs

1. - Recruitment, technology and other topics.  Includes a useful weekly recruitment blog roundup

2. - Recruitment and HR Blogs from the Insitute of Recruiters 

3. - Developing the Internet Sourcing skills of UK recruiters

If you want to suggest 3 blogs please contact us

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