A Note from the Editor
Our first Directors event of 2016 takes place on Thursday 26th February. The subject is Traits of a Successful Recruitment Business. We have an excellent line up of speakers which you can see here. These events are a great way for directors of recruitment businesses to learn from their peers whilst networking in a very informal environment. You can book early bird tickets here right now.

Alex Martin

UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Stop wasting time setting annual goals for your recruitment business
An excellent article from Roy Ripper suggesting an innovative way to set goals and stop procrastinating.
How Start-Ups Can Win at Temporary Recruitment
"Entering the contingent workforce market is likely to be challenging, but approached in the right way can pay great dividends". Read on for tips on how start-ups can win at temporary recruitment.
5 Things Recruiters Need to STOP Doing in 2016
Comprehensive details on five things to stop doing, why to stop doing them and what to try instead.
3 Ways to Take Control of Your Recruitment in 2016

Start to take control of your online recruitment advertising over the next year by making small changes.

Focus the Hiring Process by Preparing Your Client
Properly preparing clients before every interview provides you an opportunity to focus the process, maintain control, and ensure a successful outcome.
Is Text Messaging a Viable Way to Recruit?
Recruiters are having to think outside the box in order to attract candidates but is text messaging really the way to go?
How dirty data can harm your staffing firm
Clean Data – A Guide for Recruiters
How to Interview Remote Candidates

For the full article and further information including interview questions, click on the image.

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