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Weekly Tips
Weekly Tips - 3 Recruitment Blogs
Great Software isn’t enough – Not all Recruitment Software is the same - expect more from your software supplier with Voyager!
What makes an effective presentation?
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Recruitment software that links to Social Media
Recruitment Vacancies
Jobs in Recruitment
LogicMelon the Logical choice for your job posting and candidate management
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Weekly Tips
Weekly Tips - 3 Recruitment Blogs

1. - Really great blog from Andy Headworth with lots of excellent insight, opinion and tips on social recruiting, HR and recruitment.  

2. - Good example of how a recruitment agency can build a successful blog. 

3. - recruitment and job hunting news and views from Jobsite. 

Why not share your three favourite websites for recruiters or submit your own "three things I've Learnt" for this section.  If you write a recruitment blog and want that added to the blog feed just get in touch.

Weekly Tips Sponsors: TheLadders is the largest £50K+ talent pool in the UK, screening every candidate by hand. For a free test drive of the CV Database, click here.theladders_160

Great Software isn’t enough – Not all Recruitment Software is the same - expect more from your software supplier with Voyager!

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What makes an effective presentation?
by James Nathan

Part I: Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

This article is specifically focused at professionals presenting to their clients, new and old. Getting prepared to pitch for new business, to meet a new client, or make a formal presentation can be a very daunting concept to many people.

Selling can feel unnatural

Being the one selling can feel very unnatural for the majority of professionals, who would much prefer to be on the receiving side of the desk. However, as business becomes harder to get and more and more competitive, the ability to present well has become complete necessity. 

The better prepared we are for any task, the easier and more enjoyable we find it. It’s human nature to feel comfortable with things we fully understand and good preparation provides us with this understanding and hence comfort. So, here are some things to think about when preparing to present:

An effective presentation must be: 

  • Persuasive 
  • Relevant 
  • Entertaining, and 
  • Structured

Breaking down these 4 key points:

• Present a compelling case
• Present with emotion, justify with logic
• Be quickly and easily understood
• Demonstrate the benefits that motivate your audience
• Build on the NEED to buy
• Present with clarity

• Focus on your client – be customer centric
• Listen, really listen to your clients needs
• Make the whole presentation applicable to your audience
• Demonstrate that you have understood their needs

• Be engaging, pleasant and easy to listen to
• Maintain your energy throughout
• Utilise all their senses
• Appeal to a wide audience
• If the subject matter is dry and even boring, you don’t have to be
• Keep the audience engaged with appropriate stories, anecdotes, metaphors
• Be impactful

• Gives a roadmap for your audience
• This lets them understand why they should listen and what is going to happen
• Provides a framework, not a cage

Preparation in these areas allows you to show your client/audience that your presentation is well thought out and planned with them in mind.

The next time you are due to present to a new client, look at your presentation, and compare it to the points above.

Are you truly prepared?

Turn it on! Getting in the best possible state to present

Once prepared for the presentation, the next step is to get yourself in to the best possible state to present.

Time to turn it on!

Turning it on is about you being in the best possible state for making your presentation. Most of us get nervous before a presentation, regardless of whether it is to 2 people or 200 people. This is a perfectly natural reaction to what you are about to do, and in fact some people suggest that a few nerves make you perform better. 

So here are some things to think about when preparing for the physical presentation.

What you project is what is perceived: 

• Being in a state of relaxed confidence puts both you and your audience at ease
• If you feel worried or anxious people will also feel it
• If you feel confident, certain and excited then that’s the feeling your audience are most likely to have too

Confidence comes from:

• Being prepared (which you are!)
• Getting into a positive state (see below)
• Visualising success – mentally rehearse doing the perfect presentation
• Using positive affirmations – positive self talk
• Have a conversation with your audience – don’t preach, chat! You will instantly make your audience feel relaxed and connected with you

Getting into state:

This is a really interesting part of confidence preparation and there are a large number of techniques used by many presenters. One of the most common, however, is anchoring. An anchor is a stimulus which is linked to and triggers a physiological state. They work on the fact that emotional states have a powerful and pervasive influence on our thinking and behaviour. Examples of naturally occurring positive anchors include a favourite photograph, evocative smells, or a loved one’s special expression. Even reading this you will notice how imagining these things can bring a smile to your face, and you feel positive and happy. For example, a piece of music used to bring back a positive memory will evoke those feelings each time you hear it. And, every time it does that it strengthens the association. 

If we can take ourselves back to a previous positive state, and trigger it whenever we want, we can use this to help prepare us to perform at our best.

This is done in two stages.

First, we choose the emotional state you want to reproduce, and then second, associate this with an anchor (or stimulus) so that you can bring it to mind whenever you want it. Politicians, sportsmen and women, those in the arts, all use anchoring and positive visualisation before performing. Choose an experience such as a time when you had just won something, were promoted, overcame something you didn’t think you could, it’s that feeling you are looking to reproduce. 

The next step is to build and reinforce the anchor. You must use an anchor that is unique, and not a part of your natural behaviour. It needs to be distinctive so that it doesn’t get associated with other states and behaviours and discrete, something you can do without being conspicuous. A good example is pressing your finger and thumb together, or squeezing an earlobe. Or, if you prefer use an auditory anchor, a word or phrase that you say to yourself internally.

Practice makes perfect

Try this out, it takes some practice to get right, but when you have it mastered, it is incredibly effective. Especially as we all live very busy lives, and before a presentation we need something that will clear our minds and focus us on the task at hand.

Once you are in the very best state to present your audience will be able to be lead by you into the same state. Here are some ideas of how to elicit states in others: 

• tell a story that evoked that state
• use your voice tone
• do something that evokes that state naturally
• ask them to move or use their bodies to create the state
• create an imaginary context
• describe a personal example

Get Connected with your audience

We are well prepared, we are in the best possible state to present. Next step: Connecting with our audience.
It’s not what you say….
Whilst we start to think about how to connect with our audience, here are a few points to consider first:
• You cannot give to others what you have not got yourself
• Feelings, not facts, move people into action
• People buy with emotion, and justify with logic
• The emotional state you are in whilst talking to your audience will influence them more than anything you say!

Get Connected!

We all know of great presentations that we really identified with. We enjoyed the content and the presenter really connected with us. Steve Jobs is very good at this. 

Or, think perhaps of one of the raft of excellent stand up comedians touring the country right now. I saw Dara O’Briain recently in Reading and his connection with the audience was exceptional. He spoke just to me (and the hundred or so others there too), but it felt like it could have been just me. 

So what do they do to make you feel like that? It is certainly no trick, it is a well practiced skills and its easy….

1. Be yourself 

Sounds easy doesn’t it? And, it really is. There are just a few simple things to think about:
• Play to your strengths
• Use a conversational style of speaking
• Keep yourself accessible to your audience
• Having a conversation is easier than doing a presentation

2. Influence using both sides of the brain 

• Left Brain – Language, Logic, Facts
• Right Brain - Creativity, Imagination, Rhythm, Rhyme

You must appeal to both sides of the brain and your presentation must include a metaphor.

3. Use multisensory communication 

This is where the language you use will require some real thought to get right. We learn through our senses and especially through the senses of seeing, feeling and hearing. When you deliver a presentation that uses all of these, it will be far more powerful and effective.
Here are some examples:

Words and phrases that people use in VISUAL mode 

• I see what you mean
• I can picture that
• Vision
• We see eye to eye
• Show me what you mean
• I am looking closely at the idea

Words and phrases that people use in HEARING mode 

• I like the sound of that
• In a manner of speaking
• Lets discuss
• Calling the tune
• Listen to
• Loud and clear
• Rings a bell
• On the same wavelength

Words and phrases that people use when in FEELING mode 

• I can’t grasp that
• I feel good about that
• That’s rough
• I don’t like the feel of that
• I’ll keep in touch
• That’s a concrete idea

Charismatic speakers move through these modes from feeling to auditory to visual. Think about the whole range of people in the audience. If you want to get rapport with them all, you need to be sure to accommodate each personal preference.

Make an Impact!

We are well prepared, we are in the best possible state to present, we are connected with our audience. Next step: Make an impact!

Be memorable 

What use is making a presentation if at the end no one remembers you or it? If you do nothing else, you must leave the audience knowing who you are and what the key thing is that you wanted to tell them.

I have seen so many people speak in all sorts of different contexts, and only a few have stuck with me. Sure, I can remember bits and pieces of all of them, but that’s all. 

What are the tricks used by the best? How do you create IMPACT?

Here are a few things to consider when making your next presentation: 

• Use influencing language
• Use metaphors
• Tell a story (the presentation should have a beginning, middle and end)
• Elicit states in the audience
• Use varied language styles – volume, speed, tone, emphasis, pauses

And whatever you do – Do something that stands out! It doesn’t matter what this is, just do it! 

Presentations can be great fun, and if you follow the above advice, you will start to enjoy them too. Before you make your next presentation, plan ahead, and think about how you will put this learning to good use.

For more on developing yourself, your staff and improving the profitability of your business, please do get in touch. You can email me at, use the contact page on my website or call me on 07736 831151. 

Recent Articles You Might Have Missed

If you enjoyed this article by James Nathan why not check out two others he recently wrote about Big Fat Networking Mistakes - the 5 most common things NOT to do! and Overcoming the fear of Selling - Market yourself and your firm more effectively.

You may also be interested in a very popular article on Effective Candidate Management by Jo Gregory.

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Recruitment Vacancies
Jobs in Recruitment

Here are a selection of the latest traditional, on-line and corporate HR recruitment vacancies from the Changeboard site:

UK Recruiter has two special introductory offers for new clients wishing to advertise on Changeboard, the UK’s leading specialist HR job site (  Receive either 50% off a featured job posting or 50% off an HTML targeted email.  To find out more, please contact Joe Birtwell at Changeboard on 0208 675 8851 or email quoting “UK Recruiter”.

LogicMelon the Logical choice for your job posting and candidate management

Logic Melon is based on the most recent improvements in technology for the multi-posting and applicant tracking market. Our aim is to supply an easy-to-use solution whilst making the recruitment process quick, easy and cost effective.

Logic Melon suits the recruitment need for business in Recruitment, Recruitment Advertising Agencies, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Companies and Direct Employers.

Logic Melon's technology not only provides an easy way to advertise your vacancies online, but records the source of every application resulting in valuable management information whereby our clients are able to calculate return on investment (ROI) and cost per hire. Creating an understanding of your cost per hire and recruitment process can be achieved with minimal effort.

We focus on supplying great customer service throughout your agreement with us, so by signing with Logic Melon you will not be left on your own. Training and support are part of you package so there are no unexpected costs to look out for, with refreshers available at any time for new starters.


UK Recruiter News: Louise's blog and top topics on the discussion forum
Louise's UK Recruiter blog
You can read Louise's UK Recruiter blog at She has recently posted about:
Hoot Social Media Launch
New Manchester Airport logistics hub to create more than 1,800 jobs
IOR’s Genius Blog
REC’s Flexible Work Commission Report

Discussion Board Summary

Don't forget to visit The Discussion Board. Current topics on the site include:
Starting out and need some advice please 
Registration Form for Client
Employee Engagement
Best Recruitment software

Visit the site, ask questions and share your knowledge.

Industry News
Press Releases

The annual oil and gas industry salary survey is now open

"Oil and Gas professionals are asked to contribute to the largest and most comprehensive salary guide to date. Oil and Gas Job Search and Hays Oil & Gas will combine their resources once again to establish their annual salary guide as the largest and most comprehensive in the industry. Now in its fourth year, the Salary Guide aims to improve on the 14,000 respondents who contributed information and opinions for the 2012 report. The salary guide gathers information on over 20 disciplines in over 50 countries. The scope of data gathered offers recruiters and professionals a real insight into the way the industry is heading. Oil and Gas Job Search and Hays Oil & Gas have already started to compile the data, the deadline to participate in the survey is 31 October 2012. To take part in the survey, pre-register to be one of the first to receive a copy of the 2013 salary guide and chance to win one of three £200 Amazon vouchers prizes click here:"

Bubble launch Digital Career Portal and team up with Broadbean in same month

"Online digital jobs board Bubble Jobs are pleased to announce the launch of their brand new Digital Career Portal. Designed to help young people realise their digital potential, the career portal features useful career development advice articles, digital industry guides and digital career finder tools which cleverly match job seekers up to the most fitting jobs in the online sector based on their skills and qualifications. Aimed at school leavers, college leavers, graduates and any industry professionals who have an interest in the digital sector, the Bubble Digital Career Portal is completely not for profit and has been designed specifically to cut through the jargon and fancy job titles that make the digital industry seem overwhelming and to appeal to those who have no former knowledge of the industry. At the same time the portal is also designed to appeal to experienced digital professionals offering advice and useful resources for their ongoing career development"

Revenue up 58% for Dillistone Group Plc

"Dillistone Group Plc, the AIM quoted supplier of recruitment software, is pleased to announce its unaudited Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2012. Highlights from the period include:

  • Revenue up 58% to £3.6m; recurring revenues up 63% to £2.3m and non-recurring revenues (including third party sales) up 51% to £1.3m
  • Operating profits before exceptional items up 51% to £0.8m and after exceptional items up 30% to £0.7m
  • Basic EPS pre-exceptional items up 42% to 3.33p and after exceptional items up 24% to 2.91p
  • Dillistone continues to be debt free; cash of £1.6m at 30 June 2012 (2011: £2.1m)
  • Increase in subscription based sales - offering increased confidence and visibility of future"

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