A Note from the Editor
On October 7th, the day before our UK Recruiter Technology Showcase, we will be co-hosting, with our friends at Colleague Software, a #rechangout entitled "Recruitment Technology Revolution: Just around the corner or more of the same?" to discuss what is going on with recruitment technology. Topics will include the latest tech and new inventions; the latest trends: video, psychometrics, ‘big data’, the CRM, inbound marketing, sourcing; what should you, as a recruitment leader, be looking out for and; what recruitment businesses need to do to become data businesses. You can find all the details here.

I also came across this excellent summary of recruitment blogs (and I'm not just saying that because we are on it!) from Coburn Banks this week. As the article says, it list "the 10 most reputable sources of advice, information and news for hiring managers, HR reps, recruiters, bosses and those who are simply interested in business". It is well worth a read.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Why Technology Won't Replace Recruitment Agencies
Stephen Bryan, from Bryan & Armstrong Ltd., looks at why he believes recruitment is a people business and why technology will never fully replace recruiters. This is our first article from our blog this week and, with our Recruitment Technology Event just round the corner, it couldn't be more timely.
The Secret to Attracting the Best Job Applicants
A job posting is often a potential applicant’s first impression of an employer. Yet, despite this, it’s not uncommon to see poorly written job postings. This article, the second from our very own blog, shares best practices to attracting the top applicants.
5 Things To Do If Your Job Advert Isn’t Working
"So what do you do if you publish a job advert and it doesn’t quite have the desired effect you were looking for?"
9 Things Recruiters Are Sick of Hearing
Nine phrases and jargon that drive recruiters mad!
6 Things Top Performing Recruiters Do That You Don’t
Socia Talent have had the opportunity to analyse the habits of over 1000 recruiters to assess what the most effective performers do.
7 brilliant ways successful leaders start presentations
The opening of any presentation is key to engaging your audience and this article shares seven ways to grab their attention in those opening seconds.
How to Attract Job Hoppers in 2015

For the full infographic, click on the image.

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