A Note from the Editor

Early bird tickets for the Recruitment Conference 2017 end this Wednesday, or when the last 11 tickets have been sold; whichever comes first.

What you will get out of the day: We are bringing together the UK’s leading recruitment experts to cover a multitude of topics relevant to our sector; technology, client development, candidate engagement and experience, agency/in-house relationships, social media and sales/driving results. Most sessions will be a mixture of speaker lead learning and group led debate and discussion. Whilst some sessions will be more focused on in-house and some more for agencies the audience will be made up of anyone from within the recruitment space.

You can book your tickets here.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

The Most Underrated Recruiter Quality That Guarantees Success
"The last time a candidate didn’t respond to your email, what did you do? Most recruiters I talk to would say — nothing!"
9 Ways to Make Your Job Advert Really Stand Out
"To ensure that your job advert stands out, you need to appeal [to] the heart, soul and/or wallet of your ideal candidates."
How to Screen Candidates Using an Online Application
If your company gets a high volume of applicants, a modern online application complete with questions that help with screening candidates is invaluable.
Video Interviews vs Telephone Interviews
If your agency is already using telephone interviews to pre-interview candidates and build a shortlist it's easy to think, "if it ain't broke....". However, technology is offering new and innovative ways of improving the recruitment process.
Is GDPR Kryptonite for Recruiters
GDPR could significantly disrupt how recruiters work. This Recruiter Zone session demystifies GDPR and looks at what it could mean for recruiter operating practices.
Are You Still Oblivious to the Criminal Finances Act
It is potentially the most impactful piece of legislation to be introduced in decades in the UK but what does the Criminal Finances Act mean for agencies?
The Power of A Strong Profile
Best Gadgets for Contractors in 2017
The Anatomy of a High-Potential Employee