A Note from the Editor
Exciting news! The finalists of the 16th NORAs have been announced. 600 separate websites were nominated, this has now been reduced down to five per category and the judging panel are assessing all the finalists. The winners will be revealed at the (always glitzy and glamorous) awards event on Wednesday 16th November, in London.

There is now only three days to go until our unique Recruitment Technology showcase event, this Thursday. Don't forget to sign up here. This article, What Should You Automate in Your Recruitment Process?, by Tim Sackett is an excellent read whether you are coming on Thursday or not but if you are, it's a great way to get your head in to the topic and help with your decision making process.

We came across the white paper, When Are Candidates Most Likely to Apply for Jobs?, from Firefish this week. It looks at their research done into the best times to publish your job adverts if you want to increase engagement. You can find out more and download your free copy here.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

What makes a great recruiter?
Five key elements that all go together to make a great recruiter.
7 Steps to Setting Up Your Own Recruitment Agency
A top billing recruiter shares his own experience of branching out on his own.
3 Ways To Make The Most Of LinkedIn With Little Experience.
How to bulk up your LinkedIn profile if you have very little actual work experience. Well worth passing on to any of your fresh-out-of-university graduates.
When You Should Email Candidates ...

... and how to schedule them in advance.

Recruiters are not Mind Readers…
A rant from the Written Reference but one we can all identify with.
Employee engagement? It all starts with recruitment

Four top tips for making engagement a key priority in your recruitment process.

Call Me Maybe? Top communication tips for recruiters
7 Types of Content That Will Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Website
How To Go From Leadership Zero to Hero

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