30 April 2013
Note from the Editor

So, as part of our 600th Issue celebrations we’ve decided to share (over the course of the rest of the year!) 600 Interesting and Useful Things for Recruiters. Despite 15 years running the UK Recruiter community and 7 before that in an actual recruitment business Louise accepts that we can't stretch to the full 600 by ourselves. If you fancy being the author of one of these (in return you’ll get fame and glory - and full credit), please have a look at some of the categories we want to cover and email Louise to see what categories are still available.

Also this week, Louise has been sent a copy of a brand new recruitment book; How to Recruit (& Retain) The Right Staff. The author, Graham Martin founder & MD of Orchard Recruitment, has agreed to give away a few copies to recruiters who will share their thoughts. For more information see Louise's Blog.

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Weekly Tips
Three people to follow on Twitter
@andyheadworth - Andy is well worth following on Twitter as an example of someone who uses the technology really well. He shares articles by both himself and others, as well as engaging in conversations.

@MervynDinnen - Mervyn is content manager at Jobsite (amongst other things) and shares lots of recruitment related tweets. He's also great at engaging and mixing business and pleasure!

@Queen_UK - It's the only non-work related account we follow here at UK Recruiter.  Always guaranteed to raise a smile

PS, don't forget to follow @louisetriance for recruitment (and food!) related tweets
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Are Recruiters Really Bad People?
Andrew Fairley has been thinking; why does the industry have such a bad reputation, and is it deserved?
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10 Common Errors in Online Job Posting
Recruiters! Are your job offers as big a flop as an airless soufflé? Do you attract too few candidates, or too many (but of the wrong kind)? If so, it could be that you’re making one of the following common, yet lethal, mistakes.
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Simply the best and most complete fully integrated, web based solution for recruitment companies.
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More Than Eight in 10 Finance Directors Question the Trustworthiness of LinkedIn Profiles
More than eight in 10 (82%) finance directors question the trustworthiness and accuracy of a potential candidate’s LinkedIn profile, according to new research from leading recruitment specialist Robert Half UK.
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Top 10 Transferable Retail Skills
If your candidate is keen to consider options outside of traditional retail, the first step to understanding what they could do next is first identifying what their transferable skills are.
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How Social Media Can Help You Recruit the Best Digital Graduates
The new generation of graduates is at the forefront of technological change. Much of their social interaction occurs on – or is mediated by – online social networks. Now is the ideal time for employers to harness the recruitment power of social media, ensuring they can engage with the top prospective talent.
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Louise's Blog
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UK Recruiter Forum
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  • By the end of 2013, there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people
  • 84% of people cannot go one day without mobile phones
  • 50% of Americans sleep with their phones next to them
  • 20% check their phones every 10 minutes
  • Overall global mobile data traffic grew 70% just in 2012

Taken from Recruiter.com's article The Importance of Going Mobile
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LinkedIn Discussions
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Press releases
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What do you look for in recruitment software? Cloud or In-house, SMART functionality, Social Media Integration, KPI's & Target Dials, Unlimited real-person support.
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If you want to contribute to the content of the newsletter please email Louise as normal or our new editor Alex Martin.
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