A Note from the Editor
We have started doing regular fortnightly LiveChat sessions over on Facebook sponsored by Firefish (check out the UK Recruiter page for details of upcoming and previous events). However, even if you aren't on Facebook you can see the most recent ones on our site.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

6 Questions BEFORE Taking a Client Brief
Zoho shares the six questions you should ask before you even start to talk job descriptions.
How do I get someone to read my job ads?
Mitch Sullivan tell you how to get your advert noticed, and then read!
10 Essential Tips for Writing Incredible Job Adverts
"When all else fails [the client] will ask us what on earth they’re doing wrong and it usually comes down to one thing…their job advert".
What Makes a Good Recruitment Email Campaign?
Firefish's quick guide to writing the very best recruitment emails that get results…
The 10 most common job interview mistakes
New research from career site CareerBuilder, which questioned around 2,600 hiring managers HR departments, has revealed a handy list of top interview mistakes.
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Temps
If you haven’t considered hiring temps before or if you’re unsure about whether it will be beneficial for your organisation, keep reading this top five reasons why temps could work for you…
7 Traits of the Most Successful Agencies
Clearing Your Cache Is A Cinch
Recipe For The Perfect Candidate

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