A Note from the Editor

The #RecHangout series is back, with the first of our new monthly episodes, on 21st January. In the show we’ll be asking  the question, ‘Is recruitment still a sales business?’ For all the details, please see Louise's Blog.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

The Top 10 ‘Bleeding Edge’ Recruiting Trends to Watch in 2015
This article defines these trends as "unique and rare because they have been adopted by less than 5% of the major firms". But stresses their importance in signalling the way ahead for progressive firms.
The Year Ahead Conference - pre-event thoughts
Louise looks at the upcoming Year Ahead conference and shares the sessions she is most looking forward to including "LinkedIn and Twitter’s vision of 2015" and "The Psychology of Candidate Attraction".
Keeping your LinkedIn Contacts Warm
How to spend 1 minute per day speedily studying your LinkedIn contacts using the Keep in Touch feature.
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore The Agency Recruiter
Aimed at the jobseeker, this article looks at why the agency recruiter shouldn't be discounted as an option.
How to stick to your New Years resolutions at work
You've made the plan, you're going to be healthy, you really are this time. But that chocolate cake looks yummy. And your mates are going to the pub. It's really hard to to stick to it!
Motivational Monday #94 Your Future Self Will Thank You
This article comes from one of our close runners up for the blog awards. Get yourself motivated!
Finding Talent Using Twitter Search from Sirona Says
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