16th January 2018
A Note from the Editor

We are very excited to announce the winners of our tenth annual UK Recruitment Blog of the Year Award. In the words of our main sponsor, Matt Gallivan of Volcanic, “This year’s winners have clearly shown a passion for the industry and provided a thought-provoking commentary on both perennial and new topics. The calibre this year was high and the final decisions were extremely hard which is a testament to all entries.” We had a brilliantly impressive range of blogs to judge and it's well worth checking out the finalists here as it's choc-a-bloc with excellent content.


So, without further ado .... you can see all the winners in each category .... here in the blog UK Recruitment Blog of Year 2017 Winners!


Thank you to everyone who nominated blogs and also the judging panel and blog sponsors; Volcanic and Back Office Support Services Ltd.


Marketing Tip from Blue Sky PR

Take the time to establish which social media platforms your target audiences are using and what content they seek. From here you can not only reach the people that matter to your business, but you can also devote the necessary time to developing your presence on these channels. Using one or two platforms effectively is far better than being on each and every one out there!


Steph King at Blue Sky PR


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The introduction of GDPR in May 2018 will certainly raise concerns for recruitment teams. Take a look at this guide for all the many aspects of the GDPR and how they may relate to recruitment.

How to Close a Candidate Who Has Multiple Offers!

"We’ve all faced the pain of losing a promising candidate to another employer. But to be fair, if your candidate is receiving other offers, their skill-set and expertise is definitely validated. So, how do you close a perfect candidate that has multiple offers?"

Candidate Retention and How to Manage It

"Naturally there will always be a turnover of staff but using certain tactics will not only reduce the time and cost of recruitment (with one third of employees leaving before 6 months), retention will create a better working environment and in turn help with employee satisfaction."

10 Interview Questions EVERY Recruiter Should Ask Their Candidates

"Job interviews can be a headache for recruiters. This is especially the case when a recruiter comes out of the interview feeling like they didn’t ask the right questions. Asking the right questions is essential when determining who the best fit for the job."

3 steps for attracting only genuinely brilliant candidates

"Even with the best technology in front of you, it can still be tough to meet those relentless recruitment deadlines. You might therefore appreciate a bit more advice from us as to how you can whittle down those daunting lists of candidates so much more quickly."

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Does Recruiting with Bots Work
Monday January 22nd 2018 Online 2pm

Does recruiting with 'bots' work? The questions they will be asking are "What is a Recruitment Bot?", "How do bots work?", "How to integrate Bots without losing your 'humanity'", "3 Reasons why bots are great news for agencies". Register here.



How To Get Event Insurance Right

Wednesday January 24th 2018 Online 3pm

Louise Triance will be joined by Mark Clayton and Mark Blair of event insurance specialists www.inevexco.co.uk to talk about event insurance. If someone gets hurt at your event, you have to cancel last-minute or your kit gets damaged, what would that mean for your business? When things go wrong, insurance is there to cover you, meaning you don’t have to worry about unexpected bills and can keep on running. It’s like having an umbrella on you when the weather suddenly turns from clear skies to thundering rain. Register here.


What candidates really think about your job offers…

Thursday January 25th 2018 Online 10am

"90 seconds. It doesn’t take more than 90 seconds for a candidate to decide whether or not to apply for the job. What elements are the most important for candidates? Are there factors that are an outright liability? Ultimately, do your job ads play in your favour or against you when it comes to finding the right candidates?" Register here.