Lots of updates for you this week...
Firstly, Hireserve have asked us for your help with a research project they are running in partnership with the University of Reading. They want to understand more about the skills graduates have upon leaving education and whether they match the needs of employers. They want to hear about your experiences of graduate recruitment, how prepared you think new hires are for the world of work and whether you have changed way you approach graduate recruitment over the years. Please take a moment to complete this short survey. The results will be published in the summer.
The Access Group have created a GDPR Portal, specifically made for GDPR compliance, you can fast-track the consent process on a web-hosted server, keeping a full consent history of all your candidates. You can find out all about it here.
We are excited to announce that Early Bird tickets are now available for our Recruitment Technology Showcase event. You can read more about it in the articles below or book the tickets now here.
Finally, scroll all the way down for short poll just for fun. If you have any dilemma or quandry you would like to a put to our readers email it in to us and we will publish with a credit to yourself.