A Note from the Editor
We are very excited to announce our judging panel for our Recruitment Blog of the Year awards. The panel includes UK Recruiter regulars Alan Whitford, Andy Headworth and Stephen O'Donnell as well as Simon Kent, Ben Smith and Martin Bramall. And, of course, Louise and myself! You can find out all about the judges and find out all the details of the awards in Louise's Blog.

Also this week, the world of recruitment sees the the 15th annual National Online Recruitment Awards. The event is a celebration of excellence in the UK online recruitment sector, and is also a fantastic networking opportunity amongst your industry peers. You can book tickets for the event here.

Lastly, just for a laugh, I thought I'd share these tweets about interviews that gave me a giggle this week.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Securing your ideal candidate – are you pulling out all the stops?

Sourcing your ideal candidate is one thing – securing them is another. This article shares 7 tips to secure the ideal candidate.

How Does SEO Help My Recruitment Business?
"SEO is about making your online content easier to find". It's the first step in getting candidates to find your vacancies and apply.

How To Research And Build Your Employer Brand In Real Time
A podcast looking at building your brand and how traditional methods are being challenged.
Six Ways to Think Like a Start-up Founder & Grow your Recruitment Agency
Maintain the start up mentality and grow your agency without risking the lot.
Sourcing with Facebook
Facebook is a valuable mine of information on potential candidates. If your usual sources are not bringing you the results you need it's well worth having a read of this excellent article on how to use Facebook to source candidates.
How Google Does HR Differently
Google’s approach to HR and Recruiting is legendary. Matt Alder was lucky enough to interview their SVP of People Operations. This article shares some of the main points they talked about.
How to Ethically Screen Candidates on Facebook

For the full infographic and details on how to stay compliant, click on the image.

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