A Note from the Editor

Our next Directors event on the 7th May is all about Building a Better Business Brand. With the help of two very successful recruitment business owners and our own PR guru we’ll be covering topics such as creating the right brand, utilising PR for success and using social media to push your brand and win business. To find out what new you’ll learn that will benefit your business, see Louise's article 9 Things You’ll Learn from 7th May Directors Summit.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Want fun and money from recruitment? Make these 4 changes
Four key areas of change that every recruitment company must focus on to thrive in the future.
My 10 Commandments for a blog page on your website
A guest post from Lisa Jones for UK Recruiter that gives you all the golden rules on having a blog on your website.
What To Do If Your Social Media Content Is Not Being Read
How to take a step back and assess your social media content objectively.
The power of the passive candidate and why recruiters should source online
"Still using job boards? Do yourself a favour and keep on reading!"
Why Mobile Recruiting is Here to Stay
"Mobile recruiting is the future whether some want to believe it or not".
#HRTechEurope – We’re All Millennials Now!
A handy precis of last week's HRTechEurope conference.
Managing Social Media Expectations

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