A Note from the Editor
This week we were very proud to announce the winners of our ninth annual Blog of the Year Awards. This year we took well over 200 nominations whittled them down to 18 finalists. We split them in to 4 categories - Recruitment Agency Blog, Individual Agency Recruiter Blog, In-house Recruiter Blogger and Recruitment Industry Supplier Blog and brought in a fantastic judging panel to evaluate each one and make the final winning decisions. You can see all the winners in our blog, UK Recruitment Blog of the Year 2015 - WINNERS.

In celebration of the awards, our articles this week are all taken from the winning blogs. Hope you enjoy them.

This is the last newsletter of 2015. Personally, I cannot quite understand where the year has gone but I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2016!

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

5 HUGE Lessons Recruiters Must Learn from 2015
Joint winner of our Recruitment Industry Supplier Blog award, Social Talent looks back at 2015 for the lessons we should have learnt.
Making an Ass Out of U and Me
The other joint winners of our Recruitment Industry Supplier Blog, Barclay Jones looks at the three W's (what, why and who) of scoping your recruitment software project.
Being truly flexible
Winner of our In-house Recruiter Blogger award, HR Gem shares her research into what benefits employees most want.
How Interim Marketing could help your business
Talentfield, winners of our Recruitment Agency Blog award, look at how segmentation in interim marketing can help your business.
Not sure if you’re an idiot? Play it safe and stop emailing me.
Mitch Sullivan, winner of our Individual Agency Recruiter Blog award, bluntly tells us to think about how we email for prospective vacancies.
Recruiters - How to Outperform Your Competition in 2016
And finally for 2015 (getting emotional here...), Louise shares her very own thoughts, in four simple steps, on how to out perform your colleague in 2016.
What Are the Top Priorities For Recruitment Firms in 2016?

For priorities 2 & 3 and the supporting article from the Undercover Recruiter, click on the image.

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