9th March 2015
A note from the Editor
Louise has been very busy with her blog this week. Of particular interest is Insight into the shape of the UK Recruitment Market. You can have a look at and sign up to receive all Louise's articles here.

Our google+ hangout this month was “How to build a strong and credible recruitment brand” and it was one of our most interesting hangouts yet. Louise has written a comprehensive blog about it and shared the video of it here. You can find out more about future hangouts and sign up for them here.

I love the friends at work infographic we have today. If you ever have an infographic you would like to share please do send it to me or Louise and we will try to include it.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor
Fab content we sourced for you this week...
Want to Be a Better Recruiter in 2015? Do These 4 Things
Four tips to help you rethink your focus, work more productively, improve your skills as a recruiter and do your job better.
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Five steps to good recruitment
"Attracting the right people is by far the most important thing that HR does for business. As part of the Good Recruitment Campaign [the REC] have defined what ‘good’ looks like". Here Kevin Green shares his top five tips for getting it right.

As part of the Good Recruitment Campaign we have defined what ‘good’ looks like, and one of the key principles is making sure your supply chain delivers for your organisation.

Here are my top five tips for getting it right:

- See more at: http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/hro/features/1149770/kevin-green-steps-recruitment#sthash.c8XsRji5.dpuf
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AIRS Sourcing Report - Free monthly recruiting publication.

The definitive guide to hiring without CV’s
According to this article, HR Grapevine revealed that recruiters spend an average of 8.8 seconds reading a CV. This is crazy! Doesn't it make you think, what's the point in asking people to provide them? There must be some other way...
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Recruitment website essentials
"Often the first point of call for potential candidates your company website can leave a lasting impression. A successful website should showcase what you do, what you are about and drive applications / registrations / engagement".
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A Different Way To look At Recruitment Software
Five Secrets to Successfully Recruiting a Niche

Trying to do too much, cover too many bases can be bad for business. This article gives you advice as to how agencies can successfully carve a niche in recruitment and make it their own.

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5 Best Practices to Help You Win at Social Media in 2015
It's all about socia media these days but it's such a minefield and it all changes so often. This article shares five social media marketing best practices to ensure you can stay on top of the game.
(.. read article)
New Year’s resolution? - Move to the best and most complete fully integrated cloud based solution for Recruitment Companies.

Signup for the AIRS Sourcing Report for monthly tips, tricks and groundbreaking technologies to help you find the best talent online. Our newsletters are at the forefront of the Recruiting Industry and provide unique insight into trends and topics.

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New Year’s resolution? - Move to the Best and most complete fully integrated Front & Back Office, cloud based solution for Recruitment Companies. Keen prices, great support - To find out more call 888 or email info@recruitment-software.net
If you want to contribute to the content of the newsletter please email Louise or editor Alex Martin.
Having friends at work is important!

To see reasons 6-11 from Officevibe (shared by The Undercover Recruiter) click on the infographic.
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