A Note from the Editor
Last May Colleague Software hosted a Recruiters Masterclass in support of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and raised nearly £7000 with over 60 recruitment businesses tuning in to watch five UK recruitment experts in a series of masterclasses. It was a great success – so they are doing it again, but this time they are going stateside. You can find out all the details here in Louise's Blog.

Also coming up in the world of recruitment events, Bond Adapt and their partner Cube 19 are hosting a free webinar entitled "Increase Net Fee Income by 24% and get ready for Predictive Analytics – by improving your Data Quality". It's taking place on 4th February at 3pm and you can find out all the details here.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

10 Tips For Successfully Recruiting Passive Candidates
This is the perfect time of year to recruit and even ‘passive’ candidates can be more easily persuaded to consider moving. Coburg Banks shares their top tips for persuading them to make the move.
4 of the Biggest Problems Recruiters Face (And How to Overcome Them)
I came across this article on Twitter this week. It's from early December but I thought it was well worth a late share anyway. The article looks at the challenges facing recruiters and provides practical actionable ways to overcome them.
How can you Increase your Recruitment Agency’s Brand Profile?
"With more than 18,000 recruitment businesses in the UK alone, how on Earth can you make yours stand out?"
How to Create Great Content for Recruitment Marketing
"Content marketing is a great method for building brand awareness, promoting your business and even building an appealing employer brand that will attract talent to your organisation."
3 Strategies to Build Successful Recruitment Campaigns
Three strategies to outmaneuver your competitors to find the best people, and recruit them.
When No Resumes Makes For Better Hiring
Evil HR Lady looks at alternative skills-based task related methods of screening candidates.
Creating candidate profiles, wasted time in recruitment…
How Bullhorn Helps Your Business Conquer the Age of the Customer
Top 16 Most Effective Search Engine Optimization Tips
Email Newsletter Software by Newsweaver