A Note From the Editor
I’d like to let you know about an event we're happy to endorse; RECex on Tuesday 20th June in central London. This will be the most intense concentration of actionable recruitment-specific content you will see this year. If, like me, you love the TED Talk format, where acknowledged experts give unprecedented powerful insights into their world, then you will love RECex. In a single afternoon, on Tuesday 20th June, and filmed in front of a live theatre audience of 200 recruitment professionals, 10 acclaimed speakers will give you the tools, proof, and motivation to immediately implement effective improvements in your recruiting processes. You can Book your spot now.

In the meantime, I hope to see you all at the UK Recruiter Technology Showcase event tomorrow (Wednesday). I'll be there blowing my whistle and pushing my way to the front of the queue for cakes and free beer!

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Recruitics to Launch New Product at Technology Showcase Event
We are very excited that Recruitics Analytics will be officially launching their new free analytics product for the UK at our UK Recruiter Technology Showcase in London on Wednesday.
The Easiest Way To Stop Great People Applying To Your Jobs
Did you know that 66% of job seekers want to apply for a job on a mobile phone? If your site is not making it as easy as possible for them to do this, you could be losing a lot of candidates...
5 Ways Recruiting has Become a Collaborative Process
Hiring the wrong candidate affects your whole team so why not get your whole team involved in hiring?!
It’s possible: You can lure talent in with not much salary or benefits
It's not always possible to offer a competitive salary but there are other tactics you can use...
Social Media Strategy for your Recruitment Agency
Firefish have put together an eBook covering everything you need to know to develop a social media strategy for your recruitment agency that works.
Why A Great Recruiter Is Like An Iceberg.
When you see a highly successful recruiter who seems to sail though life ... remember what could be hidden.
The Impact of Semantic Search and AI on Recruitment
Recruiting Baby Boomers: top tips for recruiters
15 Free Tools to Help Track and Improve SEO Performance