A Note from the Editor
James Caan has created the world's first recruitment training app and Louise has spoken to him recently to find out more....

We have a Recruitment Directors Only event on Thursday 29th September all about how to build an award winning business which we are running in conjunction with Global Recruiter Magazine. It's going to be a packed few hours with three exciting (multi multi award wining) speakers, a fast paced master-class session and the usual valuable networking time.  I'm sure you'd enjoy it and now is the time to book your ticket.

Early bird tickets have ended but if you use this link you can book at the early bird price until the end of this week: http://recnet2016.eventbrite.co.uk?discount=Elevated

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

The Do's and Don'ts of Recruitment
This article provides an insight into the do’s and don’ts of recruitment and help you adopt the best practices.
What is the Most Valuable Skill You Can Possess as a Recruiter?
Social Talent posed this question on LinkedIn and this is what they found out...
CV Checklist: 20 Things You Should Be Looking Out For
CV assessment is the most long-winded part of the recruitment process. Coburg Banks have created a checklist to help you speed your process up.
13 Signs That Your Candidate is a Time-Waster!
Recruitment is hard. You spend hours working on a role with a "perfect" candidate and they go and let you down!
3 Tips to Help You Refine Your Job Board Selection

Top tips to help you choose the right online job board as part of your recruitment advertising strategy.

The missed opportunity in resourcing
The lost opportunity in data measurement for recruitment is.....
How personas can help staffing agencies
10 Reasons to Work with a Recruitment Partner
Reel ‘Em In: Quick Tips to Help You Catch Great Candidates

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