11 February 2013
Note from the Editor
From what we hear February is looking like a fabulous month for many of you. So, rather than waffle on here we'll get right to the news. Scroll down to read a great overview of the most interesting industry news and tips for the UK recruitment market.
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Weekly Tips
3 Websites
provided by Camilla Woodhouse of Marketing Hall of Legends.
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The End of Sourcing Is Near … the Remaining Recruiting Challenge Is Selling
Finding top talent among professionals is now becoming painless to the point where almost any firm can do it successfully. The emphasis needs to shift to selling.
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How to Write Emails That Sell – In 5 Easy Steps
How many times have you sat down to write an email to a client and been lost for words? What am I going to say? How am I going to be able to “sell” my candidate, services and company? The following five step process will create an engaging personal email to your prospective client.
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What Makes a Great Recruiter?
Recruiters have a very hard job to do. Like any profession, there will be good recruiters and bad recruiters. But what makes a GREAT RECRUITER?
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These Days, Recruiters Are Worth the Money.
This business with a small recruitment budget had never been keen to use recruiters but recently bit the bullet and took the recruitment agency plunge ...
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15 common words that are (probably) made up
Ever find yourself biting your cheek in frustration during conversation? Itching to correct other people use of certain words? Then this article is for you...
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Louise's blog
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UK Recruiter forum
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