A Note from the Editor

This is our very last newsletter for 2016 so I am fully getting my Christmas on in this issue! I'd like to take this chance to wish you all a really wonderful holiday season and a prosperous new year!

Before we head full on into the Christmas spirit why not join us over on the UK Recruiter youtube channel on the 14th December at 4pm for a glass of mulled wine and a chat about what we've learnt from 2016 and what 2017 might hold for the recruitment industry.

I might be heading into holiday mode but some of you are still out there and working hard. In fact some are even guesting on our blog, including Lukas Vanterpool from The Sitrling Choice has written this article, How Recruitment Became Digitally Led, for us. If you are interested in writing anything for our blog, please do get in touch.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Five Tips for Implementing a CRM that Works
Some very handy tips for a smooth transition and implementation of a new CRM system, from Nik Gibson of Talisman Recruitment.
Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until January to Recruit
What are the benefits to hiring your January starters in December?
"I'm Going To Write This Number on a Piece of Paper.."
Do recruiters have a right to ask candidates to reveal their current salary?
Love or Hate Them, We All Have to Deal With These Candidates...
5 types of candidate we have all come across...

The Future of HR: Trends to Watch For in 2017
CareeBuilder share the to five key HR trends they believe will shape the space in 2017.
40 Office Christmas Party Confessions
I couldn't resist a final Christmas funny to see you off for the holiday season!
What Candidates Wish Their Recruitment Firms Would Do
The Do’s and Don’ts of Contacting Job Candidates
How to Measure ROI in Recruitment

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