A Note from the Editor
In recent years, the candidate experience has become a major theme in the conversation surrounding talent acquisition and recruitment. To get a better understanding of how UK application processes take into account the candidate experience, Textkernel, specialist in semantic recruitment technology and exhibitor at our upcoming technology showcase event, has conducted a survey amongst UK recruitment and HR professionals of 62 companies. To see the resulting inforgraphic and download the full report, see Louise's Blog.

“In Top Recruiter, Reign of the Bosses, the day of recruiter reckoning has arrived. Contestants’ skills will be scrutinized. Their character will be questioned. And in the end, judgment will be passed.” See the new trailer for this fantastic, thrilling new documentary series here.

It really is all go in the recruitment world at the moment and we are just as excited to share with you Edge Global Media's announcement of the Inhouse Recruitment Award 2015 finalists. The awards dinner is on 26th November and it promises to be an amazing all-glittering evening! You can see all the finalists in here in Louise's Blog.

The Five Top Recruitment Technology Challenges
At one of our previous Recruitment Technology Showcase events, we ran a survey into the top challenges recruiters find with recruitment technology. This article shares the results from that survey.
How to Stop Wasting Time on the Wrong Clients
"All recruiters have clients they do favours for that they feel they shouldn’t, and others for whom they feel like they could do more. The big question that business owners struggle with is how to identify where their priorities should lie."
Practices that perpetuate the negative recruitment stereotype
Rightly or wrongly the recruitment industry does not have a great reputation. The tiny minority damage the perception of the whole industry. Read on to find out what makes a poor recruiter...
Improve Recruiting Practices by Asking the Right Recruitment Questions
"What good is data if you’re not getting enough information to ask the right questions... So… are you asking the right recruitment questions?
How to Be the Next HR Hero
"HR has been hiding in the shadows for far too long, and it has only diminished our impact on our organizations. It’s time that we step out from our meek personae and intentionally take on a heroic role that we were born to fulfill."
Do These 10 Things To Keep Calm Under Pressure
Recruitment is a high stress, high pressure industry. This great article shares ten ways to keep calm and deal with that pressure.
Why using a recruitment firm saves you money

For reasons 4-7 from Manila Recruitment, click on the image

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