A Note from the Editor
We are very excited to announce that Keith Potts will be our Keynote speaker for the 8th October Recruitment Technology Showcase event. You can see all the details here.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Attracting Top Talent In 4 Steps
Four steps to keep in mind when using marketing strategies to attract and recruit top talent.
5 Ways to Avoid a Bad Hire
How can you avoid this drain on resources and productivity and make the right decision first time?
What’s the number one thing job candidates want from you?
"Have you ever really thought about what it’s like to apply for a vacancy with your organisation?"
The 4 Biggest Complaints Candidates Have About Recruiters
The four things that candidates find the most annoying about recruiters.
Engagement and Attraction: How to Recruit Passive Candidates Effectively
The elu­sive can­di­dates that aren’t on job boards are what recruiters and hir­ing man­agers crave.
4 Ways the Best Recruiters are Like Salespeople
"Recruiters are like salespeople. Both need to find new opportunities, build relationships, and close deals".
UK Recruitment Landscape of July

To see the full infographic from Broadbean, click on the image.

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