A Note from the Editor
Winners of our "Agency Influencer" Blog of Year Barclay Jones are teaming up with BlueSky PR's Tracey Barrett to run a #RecruitClever webinar entitled "5 Things you Need to Stop Doing with your Recruitment Marketing". It's this Thursday 24th February at 10am. You can find out all the details, including how to sign up, here.

Another of our partners Microdec shared this week that they have been announced as winners of the Best Recruitment CRM award at the Recruitment International Supplier Awards in London. Huge congratulations go to them from us!

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Recruitment: The War For Talent
"My prediction is the war for talent is only going to get more intense". This blog looks at two of the most important factors they think are essential in the battle for the best candidate.
10 Interview Questions You Should Ask Every Candidate
You probably have your own go-to list of interview questions, here our guest blogger shares 10 more interview questions that we believe you should ask an applicant.
Top 3 Benefits of AI in Recruitment
What are the top 3 benefits from embracing AI in your recruitment strategy?
Four Common Misconceptions about a Career in Recruitment
Clearing the air about some of the negative discussion points regarding a career in recruitment.
Forget Skills. Hire for Attitude First.
Looking for the right talent can be frustrating. Career Builder looks at how adopting a “hire for attitude, train for skills” philosophy could benefit you.
Make Your Candidates Feel Comfortable During an Interview
"To get the most out of your candidates, you really want them to feel relaxed and at ease; so they can be themselves".
3 Reasons Why an Applicant Tracking System Is Worth Your Time
The Secret to a Contented Recruitment Leader (and Marketer)
Job Hunting In the Digital Age

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