A Note from the Editor
Only ten days to go till our free webinar Five Fantastically Easy Search Techniques for Recruiters. You will learn how doing a ‘proper search’ can be made simple, how using flexible tools will aid your ability to deliver, iResearch – sourcing people outside your database, search your Inbox/Linkedin/Twitter/social media sites and your favourite job boards in one go and free tips for your Junior Resourcer. The webinar will take place on Thursday 16th July at 10am and 4pm. Sign up for free now!

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter

5 Tips for New Recruiters
"As a new recruiter you have to be prepared for the world you are about to enter because while it can be very fruitful it is also very demanding". These five tips could be invaluable if you are just starting out.
Recruiters, stop stalking your candidates
"Recent research from Jobvite has found that recruiters don’t just stop at LinkedIn. 66% screen via Facebook, 52% via Twitter, 21% via Google+, 20% via RSS and 15% via Youtube". Where should the line be drawn?
Recruiters: Don’t Risk Your Credibility Because You Hate Giving Bad News
"To just leave a person hanging after an interview because you don’t have any updates or don’t want to have a difficult conversation or don’t think it is worth your time is simply unacceptable".
A Social Media Recruiting Strategy Framework
A social media recruitment strategy can help to ensure that your recruitment campaign is successful and Andy Headworth shares a really simple 8 step framework in this article to help you create one.
Recruiting Millennials: Where to Begin
Many recruiters struggle with this demographic group and how to recruit them. "Companies must step up to discover how to attract, recruit and retain this important human capital asset".
Let’s Cut the Bullsh*t – This is What the 39 Worst Job Advert Clichés Really Mean!
Just for a bit of Monday morning fun!
10 Truths About UK CVs from UK Recruiters

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