A Note from the Editor
Something went wrong in our Talisman advert last week and their number was printed incorrectly. If you would like to give them a call, their number is 01582 478 888.

I came across these brilliantly handy LinkedIn tips from The Poke this week. You'll run your business totally differently after reading them!

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Creative Ways to Overcome Talent Shortages
To bridge the gap caused by talent shortage, recruitment agencies have to seek out new strategies to find qualified candidates.
5 CV untruths recruiters should watch out for
Learn to spot the most common fibs and taking the time to validate CV statements. This will save you loads of time in the long run.
Are You Wasting Time on Jobs You'll Never Fill?
7 questions which will help you to quantify your client's seriousness about filling the role.
7 Interview Questions to Assess Your Candidates’ Leadership Skills
A slideshow of interview questions to help you work out exactly what a great leader looks like.
Recruiters are looking for these words on your CV
A recent survey from StandOutCV polled 150 employers to find out what they wanted to see on people’s CVs. Take a look and see if you agree.
Creative CV Design: the do’s and don’ts.
Particularly aimed at those in the creative industry but worth reading if you've got clients needing to brighten up their CVs and remember some of the basics.
What does Brexit mean for the UK Recruitment Tech Industry?
Slow and steady is the smart way to grow your business.
7 Tips for Becoming a Top Blogger

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