1st September 2014
A note from the Editor
Don't forget to register for the free Recrutiers Webinar on Building Your Recruiting Brand on Social Media. Thursday 16th September at 1pm (you can also set up a time for a complimentary one-on-one consultation if desired).

Also, our final Directors Event of 2014 is on 2nd october - if you've not yet signed up but want to come along drop me a note for a discount code so you can still get the early bird price.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor
Fab content we sourced for you this week...
Why is there so much jargon in job descriptions?
Am article looking at the do's and don'ts of job description terminology.
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How to win the war on talent without breaking the bank
An extremely helpful and informative article Mark Stephens at TIRA.
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AIRS Sourcing Report - Free monthly recruiting publication.

You’ll Think I’m Crazy, But You Should Put This in Job Ads
Go on, give it a read, you know you want to.....
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Clients “stealing” candidates – what would you do?
Back in 2009 Louise ran this very same poll asking what you would do if you found a candidate you’d sent to a client, for a contingency role, was employed by them – without you getting the fee. Five years on and she wants to see if things are different now. We’ll share the results of both polls in the next couple of weeks.
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A Different Way To look At Recruitment Software
Recruiter Do’s and Don’ts
This article is worded towards tech recruitment but the principles apply to all. Worth a read!
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The 10 Wildest Job Interview Stories EVER!
I do enjoy these sorts of articles. Light relief on a Monday is just what we need!
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If you want to contribute to the content of the newsletter please email Louise or editor Alex Martin.
Want to know who’s dominating the HR internet space? It’s easy, thanks to the team over at Talent Tribune. They put together a ranking of the 15 most popular HR websites, based on data like social shares, likes, and links. Those metrics including Facebook likes and shares, Google+ interactions, tweets and linking root domains, to be specific) were combined into a Popularity Score, used to rank the most popular sites. - See more at: http://www.socialtalent.co/blog/popular-hr-blogs#sthash.OayNJHVm.dpuf
Want to know who’s dominating the HR internet space? It’s easy, thanks to the team over at Talent Tribune. They put together a ranking of the 15 most popular HR websites, based on data like social shares, likes, and links. Those metrics including Facebook likes and shares, Google+ interactions, tweets and linking root domains, to be specific) were combined into a Popularity Score, used to rank the most popular sites. - See more at: http://www.socialtalent.co/blog/popular-hr-blogs#sthash.OayNJHVm.dpuf
Want to know who’s dominating the HR internet space? Talent Tribune have put together a ranking of the 15 most popular HR websites, based on data like social shares, likes, and links. Those metrics including Facebook likes and shares, Google+ interactions, tweets and linking root domains, to be specific) were combined into a Popularity Score, used to rank the most popular sites.

Taken from 15 HR Sites and Blogs that have Mastered the Internet by Social Talent.
Email Newsletter Software by Newsweaver