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CV-Library Engage with Millions of Professional Adults

CV-Library’s latest marketing campaign kicked off this month, engaging with millions of professional adults across the UK. The TV advert is being aired in all major gym chains, eye-catching print ads are live in some of the UK’s largest city train stations and over 1,000 adverts are in the London Underground.

Make the most of the extra offline exposure and source the perfect candidates with FREE access to over five million CVs.

Why Choose CV-Library?

· Over 5 million registered CVs

· 10.5 million monthly job searches

· 900,000 monthly job applications

· Over 135,000 new CV registrations every month

· Account managed service

· Register for your free trial now

For more information about recruiting with CV-Library please contact their Sales Manager, Mike Powell, on 01252 810995 or email


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