A Note from the Editor
Some excellent news from one of our partners this week. Microdec spent 2016 asking their clients to review their service and the response they received has been overwhelmingly positive. You can see the results here on their blog.

I enjoyed this article,  , from Undercover Recruiter this week. Please do share any other approriate songs you can think of (be polite though!).

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Monthly Marketing Tip from Blue Sky PR
Set objectives – what do you want to achieve?  More clients / candidates / employees?

Steph King at Blue Sky PR

5 Ways You’re Scaring Away Valuable Candidates
If you're struggling to attract the best people, you're probably doing something wrong and Bubble are here to help!
4 Reasons Why Clients Tune Out During Prospecting Calls
If you find yourself gettign nowhere with your prospecting calls, read on....
The Time Warp: Why Recruiters Still Suck At Candidate Experience
"Believe it or not, most employers actually want to treat their applicants well, build positive employer brand buzz and acquire the best and brightest brains in business for their teams and organizations."
3 Tips on Using Facebook to Recruit Passive Candidates
"More than one billion people actively use Facebook each month and as the second most visited website in the world, where better to start sourcing passive candidates?"
Are Recruiters Drowning in Information and Data?
Part of Barclay Jones Recruitment Leaders podcast series, Wayne Barclay talks to Matt Wright, co-founder of Stitched about the challenges of too much data for recruiters.
New Year Resolutions for Recruiting Best Practices in 2017
There is no doubt that 2016 was an eventful year both politically and economically. It's difficult to predict what shape the future will take now so, what do we know for certain, and how should this shape our recruiting best practices for 2017?
3 Reasons Recruiters Do It Better In The Cloud
Search, Screen, Parse
Develop Successful Talent Pipelines

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