A Note from the Editor
We held another hugely successful Recruitment Technology Showcase event last week. Feedback from both exhibitors and delegates has been very positive and we are aready looking forward to the next event in the spring. We will share photos from last week's event on our Facebook page very soon.

If you want to keep up to date with all the activities of UK Recruiter don't forget you can follow us on Twitter, sign up to our blog, link to us on LinkedIn, watch us on our youTube channel or even just get in touch through good old fashioned email!

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

What is a Psychometric Test? 8 Employer FAQs Answered.
This is a great article explaining all about psychometric testing and why it is such an excellent tool to use for recruitment. If, after reading the article, you are keen to give it a go, pop on over to our website to see the psychometric testing services we offer.
10 Reasons Why Instant Messaging Is Essential For Recruitment
"The (candidate) world is using instant messaging (in various apps and platforms), yet HR and tech vendors still don’t integrate it into their platforms". Andy Headworth shares 10 reasons why you should use instant messaging in recruitment.
6 Reasons Your Candidate Experience Is Failing
"Six signs that your candidate experience is preventing qualified applicants from reaching your pipeline".
7 Big Trends That Will Change Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
“Prepare for these [social media] changes and beat your competition to the punch, and you’ll be rewarded with more visibility and a greater reputation,”
How to Write a Cover Letter: 31 Tips You Need to Know
This is our first article with a special focus on information you can pass to your candidates this week. This first one provides excellent, extensive advice on how to write the best possible cover letter.
Reasons why you haven't heard back from a recruiter
The second of our candidate focussed articles this week. The article contains loads of practical advice on getting your application past the "robots" and doing everything possible to get it noticed and read.
Successful vs unsuccessful

To see the full and article infographic, click on the image.

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