19 February 2013
Note from the Editor
Last week we held our first Directors Only event of 2013. These events are small group learning and networking events specifically for directors of recruitment businesses. The focus was on strengthening your recruitment business and the main obstacles in your business. For more details of the day, how to get a copy of Ann Swain's presentation and information on tickets for the next event please read Louise's latest blog post.
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Weekly Tips
3 Mobile Phone Apps
Tube Map - If you are not a London natural then this is essential to save you underground anxieties
Dropbox – Ideal for file sharing both on your PC and your mobile.
TweetDeck or Twitterific – both are great for allowing you to keep in contact with your Twitter activity on the move.
Provided by Alex Martin – Editor of UK Recruiter Newsletter
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Five Reasons Why Recruitment Consultancies Are a Vital Resource in the Digital Age
Whilst many in-house recruitment teams may be trying to reduce, or even eliminate, their usage of third party recruiters, Jobsite's recent Quarterly Recruitment Review showed that consultancies remain a key route to market for over 50% of businesses and 60% of jobseekers.
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Insider Secrets for Hiring Great People: Avoid the Big Mistakes
Fully competent people underperform for a variety of big reasons. Here are the big reasons you must avoid.
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Hiring Wisdom: How to Hire the Wrong Person Every Time
Here’s how to hire the wrong person every time — guaranteed.
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10 Industry Buzzwords That Need To Die
Here are 10 words or phrases industry pros have used once too often. Can we all please cut back on using them?!
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Louise's Blog
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UK Recruiter Forum
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If you want to contribute to the content of the newsletter please email Louise as normal or our new editor Alex Martin.
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