A Note from the Editor

We have several excellent events for recruiters coming up. Early bird tickets are already available for the Recruiters Network – Directors Only Event (on Thursday 29th September) and you can “hold” tickets for the other two (Recruitment Technology Showcase Conference – Thursday 13th October, and UK Recruitment Annual Round-Up – Wednesday 16th November) if it’s too soon for you to commit right now. You can find out all the details on all the events here.

We also came across this PR and Content workshop for Recruiters run by Barclay Jones and Blue Sky PR. The workshop is on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 in central London. It will show you how you can implement a PR & Content strategy for your recruitment business and give you practical advice from recruitment marketing experts. Click here for tickets.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

How To Attract Top Candidates
Eight tips and tricks which will help to persuade the most talented individuals to your sign up to your agency.
5 Bulletproof Techniques For Pitching To Passive Candidates
How can you sell your job opportunity to the holy grail of recruitment .... the passive candidate?
Four interview questions to help you hire people with grit
"Four interview questions that can help you to identify people with the drive and determination to be great".
What to do if you want your Candidate to NOT get the Job…
Having watched the show The Job Interview, Kirsten Crisford tells us how your candidates can make fantastic entertaining TV ..... but probably not get the job!
The 7 Biggest Social Recruiting Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
"Great social recruiting is so much more than just finding candidates on social media though. Done right, it can have a huge effect on candidate engagement, employer branding and sourcing results".
3 Tough Habits You Must Drop to Succeed
There are many habits that make for a great business, but unfortunately there are also a few bad habits that are could be ruining your chances for success.
How can a recruitment professional stand out online?
How Richie got Insta-smart with Zoho Social
How to Increase Your Conversions in 10 Simple Steps
Aimed at shopping sites but very much applicable to recruitment sites. For steps 6-10, click on the image.

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