22nd March 2016
A Note from the Editor
We are working on the keynote speaker for our technology and social media event on 16th June and would like some help determining who would be most  appealing presenter. Can you take just one minute to complete this poll http://goo.gl/24qJ2M - It simply asks "Which company would you most like to hear giving a keynote at the next UK Recruiter Recruitment Technology Event?" With the options being Someone from LinkedIn, Someone from Google or an expert in Facebook/Twitter.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Twitter. UK Recruiter's favourite Stephen O’Donnell has created this nostalgic image “famous first tweets of recruitment and HR influencers” in celebration of this impressive anniversary.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor
Fab content we sourced for you this week...
6 Recruiting Tactics That Just Don't Work
Recent years have seen a major shift in the job market dynamic. Job seekers have the upper hand and employers who haven't recognized this and adjusted their approach risk losing out....
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Three reasons you might be struggling to attract top talent
Are you struggling to attract top talent? Well, we’ve got good news and bad news for you.
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TempBuddy is a multi-award winning real-time contingency workforce platform.
Future Proofing Your Recruitment Strategy
The modern recruiter knows that there is so much more to recruitment than being able to find candidates.....
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Let's Fix How We Buy Software
It’s time to dispel the myth that buying software is about getting one solution to match a shopping list of features or needs.
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Move to the best and most complete fully integrated cloud based solution for Recruitment Companies.
How can you reach the right candidates?
Online jobs boards rank as one of the most effective methods for attracting applications but how can you ensure you’re using them to their best advantage?
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How to Promote Your Company Culture to Recruit Top Talent
Some excellent advice on how to promote your company culture to recruit top talent — remember, culture is everything!
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The global leader in online recruitment software.

We can help you improve productivity, achieve growth and cut costs. TempBuddy’s award-winning workforce management software integrates real-time availability, scheduling, deployment, time capture, pay and bill and compliance into one intuitive tool using smart mobile technology.

Move to the Best and most complete fully integrated Front & Back Office, cloud based solution for Recruitment Companies. Keen prices, great support - To find out more call 888 or email info@recruitment-software.net

Bullhorn is the global leader in online recruitment software, providing the only fully integrated recruitment CRM paired with social media recruiting and business development tools. Schedule a Demo today!

If you want to contribute to the content of the newsletter please email Louise or editor Alex Martin.
7 Speaking Habits That Will Make You Sound Smarter

To see the seven habits, click here
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