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Fast Track 100 & Things to Ask...

There has been much talk this week about the Sunday Times Fast Track 100. We especially like the article from on Three Ways to be a Recruitment Agency in the Fast Track 100.  

Recruitment companies are consistently in the Sunday Times Fast Track 100. This year has seen thirteen recruitment companies listed. Despite the double-dip-recession and the number of people out of work there are still a lot of recruitment agencies who are growing their billings and generating a healthy turnover.

The Sunday Times Fast Track 100 league table ranks Britain's 100 private companies with the fastest-growing sales over their latest three years.

A typical Fast Track 100 company:  read more

Also you might want to check out an interesting article from Washing Business Journal on the “Things to ask before ... Choosing a recruiting or placement firm”.  How do you think your firm would stand up to these type of questions and are they things you should be asking and answering on your website?

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