A Note from the Editor
Last week, Louise did a live chat show with Firefish about recruiters attending and running events. They covered things like:

  • Why face to face networking still has a place in Recruitment
  • How to get recruiters to attend/share their knowledge
  • Whether corporate entertaining is making a comeback in recruitment
  • Whether a small/start-up agency can/should host events
  • How do you decide which type of event to run
  • and what is the ROI of running events

You can find out all about it here.

This blog from Mitch Sullivan really made me laugh this week. Thank you Mitch! Talking of things that made me laugh, check out The Poke's "What not to do at an interview: the 11 funniest tweets" in the articles below.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

How to Build a Powerful and Profitable SMS Marketing Campaign
"SMS marketing can help you increase your marketing reach exponentially ... according to many studies the open rate for text messaging is over 97 percent". It'd be madness not to practice SMS marketing!
Why recruiters often get their marketing all wrong (and how to make it right)
In recruitment’s crowded marketplace, where competition and the number of agencies vying for the same business is higher than it has ever been, how do you get your potential customers to change their behaviour and get on board with you?
4 Essential Steps To Hiring Smarter And Faster
Four essential criteria to deploying an effective online strategy that anyone can execute.
10 Personality Interview Questions That Will Reveal A Lot About Your Candidate
"If you think about it; interviews are a complete charade". These personality questions can help you to find out more about your candidates.
Are You Ready for the Third-Wave of CRM?
Bullhorn look at the improvements made to the second wave CRMs.
What not to do at an interview: the 11 funniest tweets
11 of the best (worst) possible responses to make in your interview.
How To Be a Successful Recruiter

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