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Editor's Note

Well here it is, Merry Christmas.... nearly eveyone I'm speaking with is having a hard time believing it's another year over! As I mentioned in the last newsletter you'll see a change with us next year - new format newsletter and a fresh style of content delivery. 

In other areas we'll be running more of our excellent events; four Directors Only events, 2 Technology Showcase events and the Recruitment Industry Conference (but that's nearly 12 months away!).  More work continues on our supplier directories, blog and very popular discussion board.

Will you grant me one very simple Christmas wish from you all - if you've enjoyed the newsletter this year please can you share with a recruitment colleague/friend and ask them to subscribe for 2013!  

Enjoy the holiday season
Weekly Tips
Weekly Tips

Over the course of 2013 we've shared a number of things in this section; websites for recruiters, advice from seasoned recruiters, blogs to read and LinkedIn groups to join.  

If you'd like to contribute, and get your name in print, just complete the questionnaire here.

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