03 April 2013
Note from the Editor
Hope you had a lovely long weekend and are now enjoying this four day week!

We continue work on our upcoming Directors Only event; with Louise penning a blog post about the inspirational speaker line up for our 23rd April event.  If you aren't sure what you to expect or where the value in attending is check out the post and then book your place.
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Weekly Tips
3 Websites
  • http://dictionary.reference.com/ - so much more than just a dictionary. There are words of the day, pronunciation tips, scrabble, crosswords and more.
  • http://www.fancyapint.com/ Out and about for work? Don't know the city you're in and want to know somewhere to spend the evening or just fancy finding somewhere new? Use this website to find a pub in London, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Brighton, Birmingham, Edinburgh or Glasgow.
  • http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/ - I may be giving away my juvenile sense of humour but if you want an irreverent look at the worlds current affairs this is your website.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Recruiters
Here’s Lou Adler's take on how to be a great recruiter using Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People as a frame of reference.
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The Growing Impact of Mobile on the Job Hunt [Infographic]

Mobile ownership and usage amongst job seekers is having a big impact on how they search, and apply, for jobs. This infographic rounds up Jobsite's latest research findings.

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LinkedIn reveal "smarter" search
Available to paid members from last week, the professional network's search tool has undergone a substantial upgrade to help differentiate and pinpoint more exact 'streamlined' results from the near six billion daily searches.
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How To Get More Twitter Followers – Legitimately [Podcast]
How to get more followers on Twitter – without gaming the system.
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Three Ways to Make an Offer
Let’s assume you’ve got a candidate and an employer who have wrapped up their interviews and want to work together. How, exactly, do you choreograph an offer and get it accepted?
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Louise's Blog
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UK Recruiter Forum
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Stats from Broadbean
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Press Releases
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When looking for a software solution we wanted something simple, easy to use and innovative. We love Arithon's clean interface and it's interaction with LinkedIn is unparalleled.  Find out why recruiters love Arithon.

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