This is a ‘must come to event’ for any Recruitment Director or Owner having to satisfy their consultancy needs to access the best technology, clients and candidates in the market. Highlights include understanding how to build a successful consultancy, the latest technologies and solutions available for recruiters, current trends in recruitment, how to use social networks to maximum effect and hearing why recruiters are harnessing the power of crowdsourcing to increase new client relationships and in turn fee income. You will leave understanding how you can engage the best candidates in the market as well as efficiently leveraging ideas and tools to increase your new client relationships.
There are currently complimentary tickets available for the event so pop over to the events pages and secure your place now.
600 Interesting and Useful Things for Recruiters - Part 10
Employers can be reluctant to consider 'over qualified' candidates, even though they would certainly be able to handle the role. This article looks at what overqualified means and the pros and cons of hiring an 'over qualified' candidate.
I challenge you to get through this article without the occasional LOL! It was hard to pick a favourite but I've gone with "ABOUT ME – My favourite colour is Toupe, cos it rhymes with Dope". Love it!
ABOUT ME – “My favourite colour is Toupe, cos it rhymes with Dope” - See more at: