22 April 2014
Note from the Editor
Hopefully you’ve caught some of the Recruiter’s Hangouts that we’ve been involved in this year (see Louise's Blog for more information).Our next hangout is at 1pm tomorrow (Wednesday 23rd) and we’ll be joined by  Ann Swain, CEO at APSCo and Kevin Green, Chief Executive at the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) with the subject: How are successful recruiters adapting to the changing recruitment landscape?. You can sign up here for any future events.

Also, Louise found this when working on tweaking posting levels and times across our own social media platforms and thought it looked like helpful informtion to share, The Social Media Frequency Guide: How Often to Post to Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn, and more.
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Weekly Tips
Confessions of a Recruiter
Firstly, I am a complete arachnophobic. Some years back I was happily working at my desk in the medium sized recruitment agency I ran when suddenly I felt something on my leg. Immediately I knew it was a spider climbing up towards my knee.  My shrieks  (no manly yells here unfortunately) drew the attention of my Lead Consultant who came to my aid. She grabbed my trouser fabric and trapped the spider with her hand whist I removed my trousers around her clenched hand - in the middle of the office. Much to the amusement of everyone else who worked with me!

If you want to get something off your chest or want to share an inspiring story from your recruiting life, please email Louise with all the details.
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Attract, engage and hire candidates online with Firefish.
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6 Steps to finding the right trainee consultant
Finding the right trainee is never going to be easy, but this article shares six steps to ease the pain.
(.. read article)
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The Complete Guide to Growing Your Organic Facebook Reach
This article collates info from around the net looking at Facebook reach and how to improve it.
(.. read article)
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9 Ways Recruiters Screw Over Candidates Instead of Caring for Them
9 ways to treat your candidates better and thus improve your word-of-mouth reputation.
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The global leader in online recruitment software.
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HR ‘will die in its current form’, says HR technology expert
Jason Averbrook (
Appirio chief business innovation officer)
Appirio chief business innovation officer
Chief Business Innovation Officer at Appirio) recently spoke about the future of HR at the HR Tech Europe Conference in London. You can see the summary of his address here summarised by HR Magazine.
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How are successful recruiters adapting to the changing landscape

On the 23rd April at 1pm GMT+1 (BST) Ann Swain, CEO at APSCo, and Kevin Green, Chief Executive at the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), will be joining The Recruiters Hangout to discuss how successful recruiters are adapting to the changing recruitment landscape.
(.. read article)
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Why you should meet your recruitment consultant
If you have a candidate who is being evasive about meeting you face-to-face, it's worth forwarding them this article or using some of the information to persuade them to come in.
(.. read article)
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 CV-Library's largest offline marketing campaign is live!
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Louise's Blog
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UK Recruiter Forum
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If you want to contribute to the content of the newsletter please email Louise or editor Alex Martin.
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