A word from the Editor
On the 13th August, 1pm BST, Greg Savage, founder of Firebrand Talent Search and author of the Savage Truth, and James Osborne, CEO of the Elite Recruitment Network, join the #Rechangout to discuss - 'How to be a successful leader? Recruitment Reinvented. Leading for Fun and Money.' Find out more here.  

PS. Louise has also blogged about Greg's UK masterclass today. 

Alex Martin
Newsletter Editor

11 Sources to Drive Traffic to Your Job Listings
"You’ve spent all this time crafting your job listings and it’s published live on the web. Congratulations. How do you begin promoting it? Driving traffic to your job listings begins with a strategy because, let’s face it, your job listings are not going to engage great candidates if no candidates can find it. You can’t have a party if you don’t send invitations. Here are 11 free and paid sources from 5 different acquisition channels to get you started."
Interview techniques – shifting from good to great
3 key questions to keep in the back of your mind when interviewing.
What should I (as a recruiter) Tweet on Twitter?
There's no arguing with it, Twitter is a massive global phenomenon and this can be quite intimidating. Andy Headworth shares some very handy tips on how and what you (as a recruiter) should tweet.
It’s Time for a Hiring Revolution!
An infographic from the Undercover Recruiter sharing four new ways of hiring.
Big Data: A threat or opportunity for online recruiters
According to Wikipedia, Big Data is defined as "high volume, high velocity, and/or high variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization". There's so much data out there now, how can recruiters use this?
5 Signs Your Recruiter Sucks
5 really clear signs that your recruiter sucks.
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