A Note from the Editor
This Wednesday, we are very excited to be holding our UK Recruiter Roundup conference in the Sway Bar in London closely followed by The National Online Recruitment Awards in the same venue. If you’ve never been to the NORAs event, here’s a peek at what you’ve been missing. With over 300 people drawn from right across the industry, the Nora's guest list reads like a Who’s Who of the UK professional recruitment sector.

Straight after these two events we will be turning all our attention to our Online Recruitment Blog awards. The deadline for nominations closes on this Friday 18th November and then our team of fantastic judges will get straight to work narrowing the entries down to finalists in each group before announcing the winners later in December.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

Can Facebook Advertising Bring More Candidates & Clients?
"If you are still wondering if Facebook can bring you leads? Here’s a quick way to get started".
5 Advantages of Using a Niche Job Board
When it comes to job boards, a little expense spent on a niche board rather than a free general board can go really far.

How to recruit recruiters using social media
Three critical social media actions all recruitment business owners should do to attract the talent they need to take their agencies forward.
Ten tips to building a successful career in HR
"It’s safe to say that working in HR has something of a stigma attached to it." Here we share ten tips to overcome barriers, strengthen relationships and gain credibility
Recruitment Genealogy
So much sales rhetoric has been passed down by generations of agency recruiters. Mitch is still hearing the same thing he heard 26 years ago....
Should Employers Hire Overqualified Employees?
"The general consensus in business is to not hire overqualified employees. However, a new study flips this accepted belief on its head".
Retain Top Talent Before It's Too Late

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