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Editor's Note

With autumn very much upon us we are working towards our last two events this year.  Next week is our Directors Only Event which is almost fully booked.  If you are interested in scaling your business for growth check it out. 

Our final event of the year is our End of Year Conference running during the day of the National Online Recruitment Awards.  We have an excellent line up of speakers and topics, relevant to anyone in recruitment, for the conference and the evening awards are always worth attending. 

I also came across this video from Mike Taylor ahead of his event on the 23rd October; Mike is interviewing Emma Frazer from Google about their use of mobile.  In the interview Emma mentions that “1 in 5 recruitment searches are now mobile” which just goes to show how mobile is growing and how many candidates can potentially be lost by not having a mobile-enabled website.

Weekly Tips
Weekly Tips - My 3 Favourite LinkedIn Groups

Recruitment Consultants and Staffing Professionals
 - very well managed and moderated

Boolean Strings – The Internet Sourcing Community - good sourcing advice

Recruitment Technology and Tools 

Provided by Louis Welcomme of Colleague Software (who run the Recruitment Technology and Tools group mentioned above).

Why not share your three favourite websites for recruiters or submit your own "three things I've Learnt" for this section.

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