A note from the editor

In our newsletter this week we have shared a great article from TIRA looking at the difference between ATS's for recruitment and HR. Don't forget, if you are looking for this sort of thing at the moment, save yourself hours worth of research and investigation time by attending our big Recruitment Technology and Supplier Showase event. It's only two weeks away now (16th October) AND its free to attend (£20 refundable deposit)! You can book your place here.

In other recruitment news, Flo Software Solutions have put together ‘The Ultimate Guide to Social Media for Recruitment Agencies’, a free guide available to download here. Whether you love or hate social media, there is no getting away from the fact that it is everywhere. With over 300 million users on LinkedIn, over 500 million users on Twitter and over 1.1 billion users on Facebook, there’s no doubt that social media is a powerful platform for a business to utilise, but are you making the most of it. Check out the guide for free!

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

5 Reasons You Can’t Recruit Candidates
You always hear how recruiters can’t find the right candidates, or candidates at all for that matter. They blame it on a plethora of causes from poor candidate quality to a changing workforce. But that is the problem: you can’t blame it on the candidates. With a changing candidate pool, recruiters have to adapt to trending techniques. The game of recruiting has changed, and you need to catch up ....
Radical trends that recruiters need to know about
For this week’s UK Recruiter google+ hangout we were joined by Bill Boorman summarising some of the conversations from his recent #trulondon event. Louis Welcomme and Mark Stephens joined the call. The subject title was ‘Radical trends that recruiters need to know about – reflections on #trulondon’.
How to Recover When You're Behind on Your Numbers
Everyone has bad patches. In this article Firefox shares five steps to get yourself out of them and get back on track.
The ATS: Recruitment Software v HR Software – what’s the difference?
To the untrained eye, these two products look very similar and appear to do the same job, but in truth there is a world of difference between a recruitment ATS and an HR ATS....
HR and Recruiting Professionals: Time to Pull Your Head Out
This article looks at the 2014 Talent Acquisition Survey which highlighted the gap between what job seekers want to happen during the job search process and what actually happens, even when the HR/Recruiting recognises that this is not good enough.
Why Are Recruiters Playing LinkedIn Hide And Seek?
As a recruiter or a sourcer, you want people (applicants, candidates, referrals etc) to find you, don’t you? So why are so many recruiters still playing social recruiting hide and seek? And just to be clear here  - they are doing the hiding!
Broadbean Recruitment Market Analysis

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