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Editor's Note

Last week we ran our second successful technology event of 2012 - there is information on the exhibitors still on the event page and some photos on our event's Facebook page

We have two more events left for 2012:

At the Recrutment Directors Only event on 18th October we'll be looking at how to grow your business. We have three successful recruiters talking about their own experiences, plus the usual mix of group learning and networking opportunities. There is still time to sign up at

Our End of Year Conference takes place on 7th November and in the evening we are co-hosting the prestigious National Online Recruitment Awards.  Information on the excellent range of speakers is on the event page.

Weekly Tips
Weekly Tips - 3 Recruitment Blogs

1. - Really great blog from Andy Headworth with lots of excellent insight, opinion and tips on social recruiting, HR and recruitment.  

2. - Good example of how a recruitment agency can build a successful blog. 

3. - recruitment and job hunting news and views from Jobsite. 

Why not share your three favourite websites for recruiters or submit your own "three things I've Learnt" for this section.  If you write a recruitment blog and want that added to the blog feed just get in touch.

Weekly Tips Sponsors: TheLadders is the largest £50K+ talent pool in the UK, screening every candidate by hand. For a free test drive of the CV Database, click here.theladders_160

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