A Note from the Editor
Two pieces of exciting news from UK Recruiter this week.

Firstly, we are pleased to announce the categories for our ninth annual UK Recruitment Blog of the Year awards. You can find out all the details and nominate your own or favourite blog here.

Also, we have finished the video of our Recruitment Technology event and we are really rather proud of it! You can watch it now on the UK Recruiter YouTube channel.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

How Far Behind The Modern Recruiting Curve Are You?
"There was me thinking that the UK was ahead of the recruiting curve in terms of innovation and technology, but it would appear not".
The Challenges of In-House Recruiting
This article was actually published in August but I came across it this week and thought it was well worth a second look... It compares the two options of using external recruiters vs keeping recruitment in house.
Recruiters – you are being judged….
An article sharing what companies should look for in a recruiter.
Things To Consider When Conducting a Video Interview
The five top considerations which you should always take into account when conducting a video interview.
The Most Hated Words Among Recruiters
The people at Social Talent conducted an online poll through LinkedIn and Twitter to discover what words really make recruiters blood boil.
10 Tips for Boosting Your Concentration
I don't know about you, but 3pm is my ebb point. Pretty much all I want to do is crawl somewhere warm and have a nap. I definitely do not want to focus on work (please don't tell my boss!). Handily, I came across this article which shares ten ways to increase your ability to focus!
UK Recruitment Landscape of September

For the full article, click on the article.

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