22 April 2013
Note from the Editor
This is a busy events week with The JobPost's technology roadshow kicking off in Birmingham today. Louise will be at their Bristol event on Wednesday. We also have our own Directors Only event on Tuesday and will be blogging about that next week. Wednesday also sees the CIPD HRD Conference & Exhibition and the Executive Research Association's annual conference.
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Weekly Tips
10 Favourite HR Blogs You Should Follow
Here are 10 of Jobsite Insider's favourite HR blogs from the UK that you may want check out, subscribe to and share.
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8 Things You Should Not Do Every Day
If you want to see gains in productivity, relationships and even in personal well being add these things to your not to-do list
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Four Tips for Taking a Vacancy and Making it Easier to Fill
Have you ever had a client ask you to find someone for them who is going to be really hard to find? Eden Changes has ideas for turning a hard search into an easier one.
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The Recruitment Hokey Cokey: in-house, agency, shake it all about!
Shane Horn at AdMore Recruitment looks back at how his in-house recruitment experience has helped and influenced his agency career.
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How to Find People to Recruit on Twitter with Google & Bing
Glen Cathey made a few discoveries with some simple pattern recognition that he shares here to help you quickly find your target talent pool on Twitter.
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What if Google blocked career sites that didn't have a mobile version? Would you care?
You may think it would never happen but, consumers are taking their journey across devices so that's exactly what Google are "forcing" with Enhanced Adwords. This being the case, it's only a matter of time before they "encourage" website owners to make their websites compatible across all devices or suffer in search results if they don't.
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Job Boards and the battle for quantity over quality...
Richard Hooper looks at what job boards could do to improve their services.
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Louise's Blog
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UK Recruiter Forum
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LinkedIn discussions
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Press releases
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