22nd June 2015
A Note from the Editor
Louise has put together this quiz, Are you an Accidental Discriminator? as a result of a recent survey revealed that one in five British employees have been affected by workplace discrimination at some point in their career, be it a one off occurrence or ongoing issue. Whilst discrimination is inexcusable at any level, it could be argued that naivety on the employer’s part has a part to play in these statistics, particularly at the interview stage. You might think you know what to avoid asking at interview but plenty don’t! With this in mind, we have teamed up with employment law specialists, Fisher Jones Greenwood, and put together ten questions to test your knowledge on this subject.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor
Fab content we sourced for you this week...
6 Deadliest Networking Mistakes a Recruiter Can Make
Online networking is causing us to forget how to network in real life. This article will help you to brush up your skills.
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5 Reasons Traditional Hiring Methods Don't Attract Talent
"Relying solely on traditional hiring methods won’t produce qualified candidates in sufficient numbers to drive business success". This article tells you why this is the case.
(.. read article)

Hate typing? Now you can talk to your recruitment software. Book demo. www.mercuryxrm.co.uk

How to Use Twitter for Hiring
An indepth look into a recent highly successful Twitter recruitment campaign looking for a new CEO in the fashion industry.
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Making a Recruitment Plan
A timeline, a structure, a set process. Whatever terminology you use, it's important to have a recruitment plan.
(.. read article)
The most innovative temp recruitment software in the world...
Why You Need Old-School Metrics to Track Recruiter Performance
Making the case that “old school” metrics.
(.. read article)
Myth-Busting: 6 Lies You’ve Been Told About Writing Successful Job Adverts!
Followed all the rules and still had a failed advert? This article looks at the myths around writing job ads.
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Maximise business performance with fast recruitment software.

Mercury xRM is the only recruitment software you can talk to and instruct using your Windows smartphone. Book a live demo today at www.mercuryxrm.co.uk/demo

We've developed the most innovative temp recruitment software in the world....
Tempbuddy improves the entire rostering, time capture and payment cycle to ensure the whole process is made faster, simpler and more efficient for both the worker and recruiter.

Bond Adapt provides the tools to make the most placements and earn the highest revenues. Delivered online or via your server. Find out how Bond Adapt can maximise your business performance - request a demo or download a brochure.

If you want to contribute to the content of the newsletter please email Louise or editor Alex Martin.
14 Tips for Creating a Recruitment Plan on a Tight Budget
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