A Note from the Editor
Exciting news from two of our partners this week, Textkernel and Bullhorn announced an integration of their business development and sourcing tools in order to enhance enterprise recruiter productivity by allowing them to make faster and smarter placements and create efficiencies in the recruitment process. Jakub Zavrel, Textkernel CEO and founder, said, “Recruiters can actively identify new leads and match these opportunities to relevant candidates within their ATSes. Conversely, they can match their number two, three, and four candidates to their jobs and all employer jobs in the market. The benefits of the combination of Bullhorn and Textkernel is helping recruiters make faster placements, increase revenue, and provide better fill rates.”

Also in the news this week, Barclay Jones will be running a webinar to help you to "Increase the Value of Your Recruitment Business in 30 Minutes".  They will look at the true impact that not using your recruitment CRM has, and the impact of using it well. You can save your place here.

Alex Martin
UK Recruiter Newsletter Editor

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