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UK Recruiter News: Louise's blog and top topics on the discussion forum
Louise's UK Recruiter blog

You can read Louise's UK Recruiter blog at She has recently posted about:
How to do a “social campaign”
Levering your LinkedIn Page
#tru London – the most bonkers “conference” you’ll ever attend
Face-to-face networking events – create a lasting impression
THE End of Year Conference – 10 reasons to attend…
Stop Juggling. Start Engaging! One-Stop Online Recruitment Software

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Discussion Board Summary

Don't forget to visit The Discussion Board. Current topics on the site include:
Freelance and then Permanent Contract
new business help - CV parsing software
Recruitment qualifications - Are they worth the cost and effort?
How to deal with Clients who never take a candidate?

Visit the site, ask questions and share your knowledge.

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